Offers & Coupons

Promote your business by sharing trackable and location-based offers with potential and existing customers.

PeopleVine allows you to share mobile coupons, customized with your branding, directly to your customer's mobile device. With full tracking, gain insight into which offers drive action for your business.

Get Started

Digitally create and share offers.

Access digital coupons through email or QR codes and print at home or download to Apple's Passbook.

Gain control over coupons

Set expiration dates, limit redemptions and downloads, change design and add a survey or password. Manage the details to ensure that coupons work for your business.

Promote offers across multiple channels.

Share your offer through multiple TouchPoints like Facebook, Twitter, SMS, newsletter or for filling out a survey. Enable coupons to reach a wide audience.

Offer incentives for better customer service.

Create goodwill and monitor interactions with customers without the need for physical delivery. Instant distribution allows for quicker service.

Additional Features

  • Control over coupon details and expiration date

  • Digital and easily accessible on a mobile phone or print-at-home

  • Reachable by a large audience through mobile sharing

  • Location-based - automatically appearing on a device when nearby a business

  • Customize with graphics and unique color schemes

  • Real-time tracking captures each coupon view, download and use

Start today!

PeopleVine has the power to engage people, convert leads, automate marketing and create loyalty. Work smarter and let PeopleVine inspire your growth.

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